If you think you are invulnerable to online financial fraud, think again. Advancements in technology have made it possible for people to do just about anything online, from staying connected to making payments online. Unfortunately, this has also made it easier for fraudsters to steal user information by exploiting security vulnerabilities, especially when it comes to financial fraud. In 2017, more than 143 million Americans fell victim to cybercrime. This translated to $19.4 billion in losses. As technology has continued to advance, online scammers have perfected the art of swindling unsuspecting internet users from their hard-earned money. Whether you are interested in learning how to recognize investing scams, credit card scams, or money-transfer scams, here is what you need to know about avoiding online scams. What exactly are money scams? In a typical money scam, a fraudster cajoles, bullies, or charms a victim to giving out critical financial information, personal information, or...
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